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Early Career Researchers met for a roundtable discussion

The WP7 team of OptimESM organized a roundtable discussion with Early Career Researchers (ECRs) in the project, with the aim of learning about their interests, needs and preferences when it comes to their career development and participation in the communication and outreach of the project.
The discussion was held online with the aid of a Mentimeter interactive presentation to capture the participants’ inputs. A group of four researchers, PhD candidates and post-docs attended the discussion.

A screenshot of a slide from the mentimeter we used during the discussion.
A screenshot of a slide from the mentimeter we used during the discussion.

Most of the activities proposed by the WP7 team seemed interesting to ECRs in OptimESM, while most consensus was around personal and career development. Specifically, what they would most like to engage in is networking and improving their science communication, but some would also be interested in learning more about public speaking, writing and marketing one’s own skills beyond academia. Additionally, there is interest in building capacity on proposal writing as well as project and time management.

The ECRs present recognised the value of organizing activities directed to them, within the project and with the wider research community. Everybody is welcome to join the ECR conversation by reaching out to the WP7 team or the ECRs panel directly. Next stop: Grand Debate at EGU about bridging the research-policy divide, aimed at all early career researchers in climate science.
