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Resources and Publications


Simulating AMOC tipping driven by internal climate variability with a rare event algorithm (2024)Link to article.
Climate tipping point interactions and cascades: A review (2024)Link to article.
Bringing it all together: Science and modelling priorities to support international climate policy (2024)Link to article.
Multi-centennial evolution of the climate response and deep ocean heat uptake in a set of abrupt stabilization scenarios with EC-Earth3 (2024)Link to article.
A global analysis of historical and future changes in Mediterranean climate-type regions (2024)Link to article.
Cooler Arctic surface temperatures simulated by climate models are closer to satellite-based data than the ERA5 reanalysis (2024)Link to article.
No constraint on long-term tropical land carbon-climate feedback uncertainties from interannual variability. (2024)Link to article.
Recent and near-term future changes in impacts-relevant seasonal hydroclimate in the world’s Mediterranean climate regions (2024)Link to article.
Local cooling and drying induced by Himalayan glaciers under global warming (2023)Link to article.
Tipping points in ocean and atmosphere circulations (2023)Link to article.


Policy report: Global Tipping Points Report 2023: Ch1. 5: Climate tipping point interactions and cascades.Link to the report.
Policy report: Global Tipping Points 2023 Report: Ch1. 4–Tipping points in ocean and atmosphere circulations.Link to the report.
Policy report: Global Tipping Points Report 2023: Ch1. 2: Cryosphere tipping points.Link to the report.
Conference session: Decline of water resources in Northern Hemisphere Mediterranean Climate Regions based on satellite observations (2024)Link to the session.
Conference session: A multi-executable solution for the coarsening of the biogeochemistry in NEMO 4.2 (2023)
Poster: Optimal high resolution Earth System Models
for exploring future climate change (2023)
Download the poster.
Presentation about OptimESM (2023)Download the presentation.

The list with resources and publications from OptimESM is continuously updated. Missing something? Send an email to:
